Strict penalty must for damage to public property

05 December,2019 07:17 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  The Editorial

Our platforms are challenging to say the least, especially at rush hour, where it is a fight for survival. So, any kind of effort to ease pressure and make the commuter slightly more comfortable is reassuring

This picture has been used for representational purposes only

It always makes a happy story when infrastructure authorities respond to the grievances of common people. The Western Railway has upped its facilities for people with bridges that have leather cushions. These cushions act as shields for people's heads. Though most regulars do know the pattern of the staircases leading to bridges and duck warily under these, there are people who hit their heads underneath because they are unaware, or are in a hurry.

The Railways has also installed glass panels on either side of a bridge. They also have a double-deck staircase going in the same direction, to ease pressure of commuter crush. They have some of these initiatives at Khar, Mahim and Jogeshwari stations.

There has to be constant effort to ease commuting at these stations and make local train travel much easier for people. Every Mumbaikar knows that the number of people far outnumber the trains that we have. Our platforms are challenging to say the least, especially at rush hour, where it is a fight for survival. So, any kind of effort to ease pressure and make the commuter slightly more comfortable is reassuring.

It is also a window to the fact that there is communication between the Railways and the commuters, with the former responding to situations or complaints and trying to alleviate at least some grouses, however small they may seem.

The commuters have an onus to respect property. It was disappointing to read that the cushion on the bridge at Jogeshwari station had been damaged. Damage to public property and vandalism must invite the strictest penalties. We hope sharp surveillance throw a light on who is guilty. Constant carping about abysmal amenities falls flat if we cannot respect what is made for us.

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