Come up with conservation plan for sarus cranes: HC

07 January,2022 07:24 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  Agencies

The bench took cognisance of a report on how mortality of sarus crane birds were areas of concern

The HC asked for a survey on sarus cranes in three districts

The Nagpur bench of the Bombay High Court has directed the Maharashtra government to come up with a joint action plan with the Centre for preservation and conservation of sarus crane, the world's tallest flying bird, in Gondia, Bhandara and Chandrapur districts of the state.

The HC gave the direction after taking suo motu cognisance of the matter. A division bench of Justices Sunil Shukre and Anil Pansare on Wednesday directed the government to carry out a detailed survey of sarus crane birds in these three districts and submit a report to the court within two months. The bench ordered that a district-level committee be set up in Gondia, Bhandara and Chandrapur - Sarus Conservation Committee - to redress issues arising out of preservation and conservation of these birds.

The HC took note of a report submitted by NGO Sustaining Environment and Wildlife Assemblage (SEWA) of Gondia district and said the areas of immediate concern are high mortality of sarus crane birds due to their coming in contact with electricity transmission lines, eating of grass that is adulterated with pesticides and insecticides and falling prey to stray dogs. The bench also directed for a comprehensive plan for radio tagging of sarus crane birds in these three districts.

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