Congress demands cancellation of Maharashtra talathi recruitment exam results

09 January,2024 05:39 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  Agencies

Party says process was rigged to favour relatives of revenue officials and employees of company conducting exam

Opposition leader Vijay Wadettiwar has demanded that a SIT be set up to probe the matter. File pic

The Congress has claimed that some candidates who appeared for the talathi (village revenue official) recruitment examination in Maharashtra have received more marks than the maximum limit, indicating that the process was rigged. The Opposition party has demanded cancellation of the results.

Opposition leader Vijay Wadettiwar demanded that the exam results be cancelled and the government set up a special investigation team (SIT). Rahul Kavathekar, representing the public service exam coordination committee, alleged candidates who are relatives of revenue officials or relatives of employees of a company appointed to conduct the examination received very good marks.

"Some candidates paid nearly Rs 25 lakh as a bribe to get selected. Thus, 99 per cent of seats have been sold already. We demand that the results of this exam be cancelled and a fresh recruitment drive be held through the MPSC (Maharashtra Public Service Commission)," he told reporters on Monday.

The exam was conducted by the state Revenue Department and lakhs of students appeared. At least 200 students received more than 200 marks in the exam. Wadettiwar, who belongs to Congress, alleged some students received 214 marks out of 200. "This means that the exam process was rigged and there is a scope for malpractice," he alleged.

Responding to Wadettiwar's claim, Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said the exam was conducted transparently but the government would take action and could even cancel the (results of) the exam if Wadettiwar provided proof. Shiv Sena (MP) Sanjay Raut targeted Fadnavis for asking for proof, saying he should read the Evidence Act carefully. "Truth is not evidence. BJP leaders are so shameless. Tomorrow, they will ask for documentary evidence for the creation of Maharashtra," he said.

The state Revenue Department said some students indeed received scored more than 200 marks out of 200 but it was due to a comprehensive assessment process which calculates the overall score of candidates. "The assessment includes the difficulty level of questions as well as the overall score of candidates and puts together both parameters. Due to this, some candidates received such high marks," the department said in a statement.

Rs 25 Lakh
Bribe amount allegedly paid to get selected

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