Mumbai Diary: Thursday Dossier

12 May,2016 08:22 AM IST |   |  Team MiD DAY

The city — sliced, diced and served with a dash of sauce

Punjab in Aarey
Because we know you love to learn things first, here are some pictures of how art director Vanita Omung Kumar turned a fort in Palghar into a Pakistani jail and a spot in Goregaon Aarey Milk Colony into Punjab for an upcoming biopic on Indian death row prisoner Sarabjit Singh.

The jail sequences were also shot in Palghar Fort. (Right) Vanita Omung Kumar

"We weren't able to find an old style house and then I came across a patch in Aarey surrounded by trees. Chaara (fodder) is grown here and it fit the bill," Kumar told the diarist.

Sarabjit Singh's house was recreated in Aarey

Using a picture of their original house that Sarabjit's sister Dalbir Kaur handed Kumar, she managed to create a replica that matched the original, down pat to the texture of the walls. The outcome? Dalbir and Kumar are now ‘Whatsapp buddies'.

In the same boat

Pic/Nimesh Dave

Actor Sudesh Berry who has remained largely mum on questions about a woman he has been spotted with, was clicked by our photographer with her at the Versova jetty on Wednesday afternoon.

Aliens on campus
In political slug fests, Photoshop is in vogue. Whether it's the roads in Shanghai becoming those in India or the Prime Minister's plane with a special zoom to focus on Chennai's floods. But in all this muck, a morphed image we stumbled on cracked us up.

Optimus Prime and Mr Bean share space in a morphed image of Jadavpur University uploaded by a student

We are sharing it with you, like we do with all cool finds. You'll see Mr Bean driving out of Kolkata's Jadavpur University; Optimus Prime standing tall behind the gate and the rainbow flag fluttering.

And the caption reads, ‘I have visual proof! Jadavpur University is not only the breeding ground for anti-nationals! They harbour reckless drivers as well as illegal aliens!'. We love.

Cookie mafia in Oshiwara
Since the time they started hawking their delicious Nutella and sea salt cookies out of a blue Tata Nano at Carter Road, we have been fans of Sweetish House Mafia. After brick and mortar success in Lower Parel and Bandra, they are now set to take over Oshiwara.

The Oshiwara outlet

Co-owner Neha Arya Sethi says the café will offer a new beverage section with the focus firm on flavoured teas and shakes, and some new cookies on a rotating menu. We say, glug a glass of Nutella Espresso for a taste of heaven.

Apple of our eye
It's hard to describe the feeling when you chase a story, thinking you have something exclusive, only to realise it was a dud from the beginning. But we will try our best. It all started with a phone call about ‘Apple showcasing smart LED solutions' at a B2B event.

Now, to ignore something like that would equal hara-kiri. Apple venturing into domestic lighting! We quickly had a conspiracy theory about how this may in fact be just Apple's big idea to reinvent itself.

Given its China woes (iPhone sales are down; the government has shut down its iBooks Store and iMovies services, the firm lost a trademark case over ‘iPhone'), maybe they are looking to diversify in India, this diarist wondered. And then we learn that Apple International is a different firm that makes LED products in India. Another trademark case is in the making?

Ouch, Commissioner, that's the truth
BMC chief Ajoy Mehta was quick with a retort at a recent panel discussion on Mumbai's upcoming infrastructure projects.

Ajoy Mehta at the event. Pic/Ajinkya Sawant

Defending the BMC as a body that was efficient, he agreed to the presence of a few bad apples, but quickly told the moderator, a newspaper editor, "That is true of every profession. There are people who do not work in every field. I am sure you have journalists who do not file stories."

The editor laughed. ‘Stories' is journalistic lingo for articles published in the paper. And because Dossier believes in plain-speak, we say, guilty as charged, commissioner, even if only sometimes.

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