Mumbai writer Ranjit Hoskote steps down from German Art Fest panel over anti-Semitism row

15 November,2023 01:09 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  mid-day online correspondent

Writer Ranjit Hoskote has resigned from the Documenta Art Festival`s Finding Committee after backlash over his signing of a letter comparing Zionism and Hindutva.

Ranjit Hoskote/ X

Mumbai-based writer Ranjit Hoskote has resigned from the Finding Committee for the upcoming Documenta Art Festival in Germany. The author's decision came after he received flak over his signing of a letter which drew comparisons between Zionism and Hindutva, stated a report in PTI.

Documenta, a renowned exhibition of contemporary art occurring every five years in Kassel, Germany, is gearing up for its 16th edition scheduled for 2027.
According to the report, Hoskote stepped down after an article appeared in German publication Süddeutsche Zeitung on November 9 accusing him of 'BDS sympathies and anti-Semitism' due to his endorsement of a 2019 BDS petition against a far-right event discussing 'Zionism and Hindutva,' co-hosted by the Consulate General of Israel in Mumbai.

Reportedly, the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement is aimed at ceasing international support for Israeli oppression of Palestinians.

In his resignation note addressed to Documenta's Managing Director, Andreas Hoffmann, Hoskote wrote that he is distressed by the charge of 'anti-Semitism' levelled against him in Germany, a country he has long revered and contributed to culturally.

"These last few days have been among the most deeply distressing days of my life. The monstrous charge of anti-Semitism has been brought against my name in Germany, a country I have regarded with love and admiration, and to whose cultural institutions and intellectual life I have contributed for several decades, as a writer, curator, and cultural theorist," PTI report cited the resignation letter.

He also lamented that he was being subjected to harsh judgment without consideration for his work. He said he feels he is being subjected to an unjust 'kangaroo court' without a chance to voice his perspective. He also opposed the 'sweeping and untenable definition of anti-Semitism,' stressing the differentiation between the Jewish people and the Israeli state, the report added.

"I have been written about with harshness and condescension, and none of my detractors has thought it important to ask me for my point of view. I feel, strongly, that I have been subjected to the proceedings of a kangaroo court," Hoskote said.

Additionally, he stated he was asked to "accept a sweeping and untenable definition of anti-Semitism that conflates the Jewish people with the Israeli state".
The poet and critic said, "I have dedicated my life to opposing authoritarian forces and discriminatory ideologies."

In his resignation letter, Hoskote wrote, "Let us now consider the so-called evidence that has been presented against me: my signature on a petition circulated by the Indian Cultural Forum and dated August 26, 2019, protesting a discussion hosted by the Consulate General of Israel in Mumbai, on Leaders' Idea of Nations: Zionism and Hindutva."

He further stated, "The invitation for this event presented a portrait of Theodor Herzl, the founding figure of Zionism, alongside a portrait of V D Savarkar, a founding figure of Hindutva. My reason for signing this petition was because the event clearly posited an equivalence between Herzl and Savarkar, and was intended to develop intellectual respectability for an alliance between Zionism and Hindutva."

In his note, he added, "I found this highly ironic since Savarkar was known to be an admirer of Hitler and openly expressed his admiration for Nazi ideology and methods, which he proposed as a model for a Hindu-majoritarian India to follow, especially with regard to the treatment of the religious minorities."

Hoffmann, in his response, expressed gratitude for Hokskote's support and stated his decision to resign is a "logical and respectable one". "We need to consistently distance ourselves from all forms of anti-Semitism," Hoffmann added.

With PTI inputs

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