Over 300 Mumbaikars getting vaccinated per minute against Covid-19: Maharashtra govt

01 September,2021 10:31 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  PTI

A total of 97 lakh vaccine doses have been administered at civic-run vaccination centres and private hospitals in the city to date, according to the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC)

At least 71 lakh people have got a first dose, while 26 lakh people are now fully vaccinated. File PIc

As many as 336 people are getting vaccinated against coronavirus in Mumbai every minute considering the number of doses administered in the last few days, the Maharashtra government claimed on Wednesday.

A total of 97 lakh vaccine doses have been administered at civic-run vaccination centres and private hospitals in the city to date, according to the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC).

At least 71 lakh people have got a first dose, while 26 lakh people are now fully vaccinated, the data revealed.

Also Read: Mumbai reports 400-plus Covid-19 cases after over a month

Over 1.6 lakh people were vaccinated in Mumbai on August 21, 27 and August 29, while 1.39 lakh got the jab on Wednesday, the state government said.

"Higher vaccination coverage of people in Mumbai will ensure greater protection and strengthen our preparation for the predicted third wave, " state minister Aaditya Thackeray said in the statement.

Additional Municipal Commissioner Suresh Kakani said the civic body had adequate number of doses in stock as of Tuesday.

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