Professor held on charge of sexually assaulting woman on Delhi-Mumbai flight

28 July,2023 10:32 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  PTI

The 24-year-old victim and the accused were seated next to each other on the flight, which took off at 5.30 am from Delhi

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Police have arrested a 47-year-old professor for allegedly sexually harassing a woman doctor on a Delhi-Mumbai flight, an official said on Friday.

The incident took place on Wednesday, he said.

The 24-year-old victim and the accused were seated next to each other on the flight, which took off at 5.30 am from Delhi, the police official said.

"In her complaint, the woman doctor said that the accused touched her inappropriately some time before the flight was about to land at the Mumbai airport," he said.

An argument broke out between the two passengers, following which the victim informed the flight's crew members, who intervened. After the flight landed at the Mumbai airport, they went to Sahar police station, he added.

Based on the complaint filed by the victim, a case of sexual harassment was registered against the professor and he was arrested, the police official said.

The accused was produced in a court, which granted him bail, he said, adding that a probe was on.

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