Two years of Modi govt: Maharashtra Congress, NCP highlight failures

23 May,2021 02:57 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  PTI

Senior Maharashtra Congress leader Anant Gadgil said the Gujarat model of governance on which Modi came to power in 2014 stood exposed amid the coronavirus outbreak with even the high court pulling up the BJP government in the neighbouring state on ineffectiveness of measures to tackle the outbreak.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi. File Pic

The Congress and NCP in Maharashtra on Sunday slammed the Narendra Modi government as the latter gets set to complete two years of its second term on May 26.

Senior Maharashtra Congress leader Anant Gadgil said the "Gujarat model of governance" on which Modi came to power in 2014 stood exposed amid the coronavirus outbreak with even the high court pulling up the BJP government in the neighbouring state on ineffectiveness of measures to tackle the outbreak.

In Uttar Pradesh, where too the BJP is in power with a majority in the Assembly, photographs of funerals on open grounds and bodies being disposed of in rivers have made headlines in the international media, while Goa has seen Covid-19 deaths from shortage of oxygen supply, he said.

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In Karnataka, another BJP-ruled state, the situation is so bleak in capital Bengaluru, Gadgil said, that seven of 13 crematoriums have had to be reserved for Covid-19 victims.

NCP leader and Maharashtra minister Nawab Malik said there were no takers for Modi's "Indian model".

"Disposing of dead bodies in the river, people dying due to lack of oxygen, announcing a vaccination drive when there are no vaccine doses ... such a model will not be accepted by anyone. An Indian model is a must and a necessity but the BJP is giving an opportunity to point fingers and criticize," Malik claimed.

He said one must strive to do good work, which if successful, people would praise, but they would not accept failures and denial to accept failures.

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