14 Zika virus cases confirmed in Kerala

09 July,2021 04:18 PM IST |  Thiruvananthapuram  |  PTI

The symptoms are similar to dengue and they include fever, rashes and joint pain. Health Minister of the State Veena George said an action plan has been drawn up to control the spread of Zika

Photo used for representational purpose. Pic/iStock

Cases of Zika virus in Kerala went up to 14 with the National Institute of Virology (NIV) confirming 13 more cases. Following this, the State has been put on alert.
Among the infected was a 24-year-old pregnant woman who was diagnosed with the mosquito-transmitted disease on July 8.

Hers was the first case of the virus in the State. Of the 19 samples sent to the institute, 13 were found to be positive for Zika, according to the state
government. The symptoms are similar to dengue and they include fever, rashes and joint pain. Health Minister of the State Veena George said an action plan has been drawn up to control the spread of Zika. Pregnant women should get themselves tested if they have a fever, the Minister said at a meeting of the District Medical
Officers (DMOs).

Also Read: First Zika virus case reported in Kerala

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