Advocate from Hyderabad held for harassing woman

21 February,2018 06:00 PM IST |  Hyderabad (Telangana)  |  ANI

An advocate was arrested in Hyderabad for allegedly stalking and harassing a woman he befriended on Facebook after she refused sexual advances made by him

An advocate was arrested in Hyderabad for allegedly stalking and harassing a woman he befriended on Facebook after she refused sexual advances made by him.

According to the Inspector at Langar Houz Police Station, on February 18 received a complaint from a 33-year-old woman stating that her Facebook friend, Mirza Mouzam Baig (accused), who is an advocate by profession and a youth Congress leader, is interfering in her personal life along with his friends and sending vulgar messages on the social media.

The accused had collected all her information and was blaming her by putting false allegations.

He also insisted her to have physical relationship with him, and when refused by the victim, he started sending wrong messages to her friends and husband through his friend Shaik Ahmed Parvez and others.

A case has been registered under Section 354-D and 507 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the accused has been taken into custody effecting his arrest.

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