Anna Hazare asks youth to follow Mahatma Gandhi's principles

20 January,2019 11:19 AM IST |   |  PTI

He said over 11 lakh people have visited his village Ralegan Siddhi in Maharashtra which, he said, has become a model village and urged the youth to adopt one village each and see that the nation marches ahead

Anna Hazare

Hyderabad: Social activist Anna Hazare Saturday asked the youth to follow Mahatma Gandhi's principles and said he adopted his ideas and dedicated his life towards the development of society.

Addressing the Telangana Jagruthi International Youth Leadership Conference here, the activist said he was influenced by Mahatma Gandhi's thoughts and took up work on village development. "Ideas and philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi has gone into my life. Follow his ideas and principles," Hazare said.

The activist said when he was 25 years old, he had thought of committing suicide but after reading about Mahatma Gandhi and Swami Vivekananda and imbibing their values and ideas, gave up the thought of taking his life and dedicated his life for betterment of society.

He said over 11 lakh people have visited his village Ralegan Siddhi in Maharashtra which, he said, has become a model village and urged the youth to adopt one village each and see that the nation marches ahead.

The anti-corruption crusader further said he had launched his struggle for betterment of society and nation and pointed out that his fight against corruption has been through the path of non-violence. He asked the youth not to resort to violence if they seek to see any change.

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