Arbaaz Khan summoned by Thane police in T20 betting scam

01 June,2018 06:17 PM IST |  Thane  |  Mid-day online desk

Arbaaz, brother of superstar Salman Khan, has been asked to appear before the Thane Anti Extortion Cell on Saturday, said Police Inspector Rajkumar Kothmire

Arbaaz Khan/ File Pic

Bollywood actor-producer Arbaaz Khan was summoned for investigations into the ongoing probe in the T20 betting case, a police official said here on Friday.

Arbaaz, brother of superstar Salman Khan, has been asked to appear before the Thane Anti Extortion Cell on Saturday, said Police Inspector Rajkumar Kothmire.

The summons were issued to Arbaaz after prominent bookie Sonu Jalan alias Sonu Batla -- who reportedly has links with various mafia dons, including absconding Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar -- was arrested some time ago and interrogated by the AEC sleuths in connection with the T20 scam, he added.

"The case investigations are going on since the past five-six years and could involve amounts of over Rs 500-600 crore. We want to find out from Arbaaz what was his role in the entire matter," said Kothmire who is probing the matter.

The 50-year-old actor-producer's cropped up during Jalan's interrogation and recovery of some photographs which include other major film personalities who may be subsequently summoned, he indicated.

According to Kothmire, the entire T20 scam involves some of the biggest bookies operating from Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Jaipur and New Delhi.

Jalan was first nabbed around 10 years ago when the T20 betting scam had erupted and later investigations proved he was in touch with several world personalities, including Arbaaz.

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