CM Fadnavis says he is committed to provide houses to police personnel

04 July,2019 10:59 AM IST |   |  PTI

Devendra Fadnavis was addressing an event organised by Mumbai Police here where several schemes were launched for police personnel

Devendra Fadnavis

Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said Wednesday that he was committed to providing houses to police personnel, especially those serving in Mumbai. He was addressing an event organised by Mumbai Police here where several schemes were launched for police personnel. Fadnavis, who holds the home portfolio, said he was committed to fulfil the demand of housing and service quarters for police personnel of all ranks.

"You (the police department) cannot match my speed of providing houses to police personnel," he said. He was the only home minister who did not send back any police-related proposal, Fadnavis added. "I always take decisions for the police immediately as I am aware that police personnel works round-the-clock for the safety of the city," he said.

"If we focused on providing houses to police for the next three to three and a half years, then it is possible to give good quality service quarters to them in Mumbai," he said. Earlier, city police commissioner Sanjay Barve in his speech requested the chief minister to look into the issue of houses for police personnel.

The 'Sukanya scheme' for providing financial aid for education of the daughters of police personnel was launched on this occasion. 'Healthiesm', another scheme that was launched during the event, will provide the facility of free medical tests to police personnel and their families. 'Topper', an app for children of police personnel, will facilitate online learning. A computer training centre for police personnel was also inaugurated on this occasion.

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