Coronavirus outbreak: Odisha's COVID-19 tally crosses 80,000 mark

24 August,2020 02:37 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  IANS

The death toll has increased to 419 as 10 more patients died of the infection while undergoing treatment in the last 24 hours, said the health department

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The Covid-19 tally has crossed the 80,000-mark in Odisha with 2,949 new positive cases being detected in the last 24 hours, informed the Health department on Monday.

The Covid-19 positive tally in the state rose to 81,479 which included 26,602 active cases and 54,405 recoveries.

The death toll has increased to 419 as 10 more patients died of the infection while undergoing treatment in the last 24 hours, said the department.

Five deaths were reported from Ganjam, two from Sundargarh and one each from Cuttack, Nayagarh and Rayagada.

Cuttack district has reported the highest number of fresh cases with 589 positive patients followed by Khurdha (474), Jajpur (215), Koraput (181) Ganjam (179), Mayurbhanj (156), Rayagada (143) and Sambalpur (104).

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