873 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in India, says Health Ministry

28 March,2020 04:24 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  ANI

While Maharashtra with 180 cases has the most number of COVID-19 patients, Kerala comes second in the list with 173 confirmed cases

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The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in India rose to 873 on Saturday, according to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The total number of active cases in the country rose to 775, while 78 patients have been cured and discharged. The number of deaths due to the infection stood at 19, while one patient has migrated.

While Maharashtra with 180 cases has the most number of COVID-19 patients, Kerala comes second in the list with 173 confirmed cases, as of 9:30 am according to the Ministry. However, the tally of Maharashtra and Kerala also includes cured and discharged patients, 25 and 11 respectively, as well.

On Friday, Union Home Ministry's Joint Secretary, Punya Salila Srivastava said that all States and Union Territories (UTs) have been requested to take immediate steps to provide adequate support, including food and shelter, to migrant agricultural laborers, industrial workers, and other unorganised sector workers during the 21-day nationwide lockdown.

"States and Union Territories have been requested to make arrangements for food, water and sanitation for the migrant laborers. Hotels and rented accommodation should stay open and functional while taking all the COVID-19 precautions," she said.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday announced a 21-day lockdown in the entire country effective from midnight to deal with the spread of coronavirus, saying that "social distancing" is the only option to combat the disease.

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