Narendra Modi entrusts 'bal sena' to ensure adults stay at home

26 March,2020 04:23 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  mid-day online correspondent

The prime minister has tweeted in Hindi entrusting the responsibilities of making people stay at home to children

A screengrab from the video posted by Narendra Modi on Twitter

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced a nation-wide lockdown for the next 21 days in his televised speech on Tuesday. The lockdown has been put in place to contain the spread of Coronavirus, that has been wrecking lives of people across the globe.

The prime minister has now tweeted in Hindi entrusting the responsibilities of making people stay at home to children, as he said, "I trust my Bal Sena that they will ensure that people will stay at home and fight against COVID-19."

The video shows a young girl stopping a man from venturing outdoors and reminding him of the lockdown.

Posting 19 hours ago, the video has garnered more than 474,500 views on Twitter with over 83,700 likes and was retweeted more than 16,900 times. Modi imposed the nation-wide lockdown to deal with the spread of coronavirus, calling "social distancing" is the only way to deal with the disease, which spreads rapidly.

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