Radio facility launched for inmates at Hyderabad jail

12 March,2019 03:27 PM IST |  Hyderabad  |  PTI

Telangana Director General of Prisons V K Singh said the idea is to explore the creativity of the prisoners and facilitate the rehabilitation process.

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Hyderabad: Inmates of Chanchalguda jail can now listen to film songs and host their own programmes as authorities have launched an internal FM radio facility, the first such in the state.
Telangana Director General of Prisons V K Singh said the idea is to explore the creativity of the prisoners and facilitate the rehabilitation process.

The prisoners are now able to listen to film songs, entertainment programmes and preachings about good behaviour, according to officials. As part of the rehabilitation programme, the"Jail Vani" or Jail Radioservice was launched in the jail, the first such in the state, on March 10, they said. Initially, the programme, which will commence at around 3 pm, will be for one hour a day, Singh said.

"We will see how this will work out and accordingly will take a decision (on extending the time ). The idea behind this is entertainment, education, information, rehabilitation and skill upgradation of the prisoners," he told PTI. The programmes will be composed by the inmates and once in a while some radio jockeys from outside will also be brought in, Singh said. All the cells in Chanchalguda prison have been provided with speakers so that prisoners would be able to listen to the programmes.

The prison department is planning to extend the radio facility to the special prison for women at Chanchalguda, Cherlapally central prison on the outskirts of the city and Warangal central prison in a month. Singh said the radio service will eventually be introduced to all seven district jails in Telangana.

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