Shimla records 'warm' winter

01 March,2018 12:43 PM IST |  Shimla  |  IANS

Shimla was 'warm' this winter as the temperatures were nearly two degrees above average, a Met official said here on Thursday

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Shimla was 'warm' this winter as the temperatures were nearly two degrees above average, a Met official said here on Thursday.

Manmohan Singh, director of the Meteorological Office here, told IANS the average minimum temperature of the town in January was 4.7 degrees Celsius -- 2.1 degrees more than the average.

In February, the average minimum temperature of Shimla was 5.5 degrees, 1.9 degrees higher.

Likewise, the average minimum temperature of Kalpa town, around 250 km from the state capital, in January was minus 2.2 degrees Celsius, or 1.7 degrees higher. In February, it was minus 0.8 degree Celsius -- 1.1 degrees higher than the average.

The official blamed lack of precipitation across the state for the abnormal high temperatures.

According to him, in the past five years, the hill state whose economy largely depends on horticulture, agriculture and hydropower, received the lowest precipitation during the past two winter months.

The cumulative rainfall in the state from January 1 to February 28 was 55.1 mm, 72 per cent deficient from the long-period average.

"This was due to absence of any significant western disturbance in the state," he added.

During 2016, the precipitation in the state during this period was 71 per cent less than the average.

Last year, he said, it was four per cent more than average during this period.

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