Spend 10 pc of fines collected to better traffic infra: RTA member

14 September,2012 07:17 AM IST |   |  Sukirt D. Gumaste

Referring to a directive issued by the Delhi High Court recently wherein the court stated that a certain percentage of fines collected from those violating traffic norms should be used for improving traffic infrastructure, Baba Shinde, a member of the Regional Transport Authority (RTA), has shot off a letter to the state transport department.

"We are demanding that 10 per cent of the total amount collected as fine should be used for upgrading the existing traffic infrastructure, like going for additional signalling, zebra crossings and maintenance of equipment for controlling traffic," Shinde said. u00a0

Baba Shinde

"Even for a minor upgradation, we have to rely on the state government for grants, which causes a delay." On an average, the traffic police department collects Rs 10 crore a year in fines. Currently, there are 33 lakh private vehicles running on the roads of the city and nearly 600 new ones are registered daily.

DCP (Traffic) Vishwas Pandhare said he had sent a similar proposal to the state in 2010 and had demanded 50 per cent of the amount be spent on upgradation of traffic infrastructure.

"We have been following up with the government and for the last two years the officials have been telling us that they are discussing the issue with transport officials," Pandhare said.u00a0

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Pune Regional Transport Authority RTA Delhi High Court transport department