Yogi Adityanath spews but only venom, says Congress leader Rashid Alvi

14 January,2019 11:25 PM IST |   |  ANI

Alvi alleged that at least 13 criminal cases are lodged against Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Adityanath, including an attempt to murder and inciting communal riots

Yogi Adityanath

Amroha: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is a person who does not utter any good words for the people, but only spews venom, said senior Congress leader Rashid Alvi on Monday.

"Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is a person who does not utter any good words for the people but only spews venom," said the Congress leader while addressing a meeting of his party workers.

"Even a wild animal which is full of poison from head to tail gets scared after coming in front of UP Chief Minister Yogi while thinking how a man can be more poisonous than me. You are fighting with a poisonous person like Yogi," he told the gathering.

Alvi alleged that at least 13 criminal cases are lodged against Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Adityanath, including an attempt to murder and inciting communal riots.

Later speaking to ANI, Alvi while commenting on BSP and SP alliance for the coming Lok Sabha elections in the state, said: "We wanted an alliance to be formed among us. Now we will fight on all 80 LS seats with full confidence. I am sure that we will emerge victorious in the poll."

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