"All is well in party we are united": Nitish Kumar on rumours of turmoil in Janata Dal (U)

25 December,2023 02:35 PM IST |  Bihar  |  PTI

Dismissing rumours of turmoil in the JD (U), Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Monday asserted that all was well in his party and the rank and file were working together to fulfil promises made to the people of the state.

File Photo/PTI

Dismissing rumours of turmoil in the JD (U), Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Monday asserted that all was well in his party and the rank and file were working together to fulfil promises made to the people of the state.

Talking to reporters on the sidelines of a function organised to pay tribute to former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee on his 99th birth anniversary, Kumar denied that he was unhappy with the outcome of the opposition INDIA bloc meeting held in Delhi last week and expressed confidence that seat sharing arrangements will be completed soon.

Asked about rumours of turmoil in the JD (U) as recently reported in a section of media quoting BJP leaders, Kumar said, "All are united in our party¿all is well¿I don't really pay attention to what they (BJP leaders) say about us. Let them say whatever they want... it does not have any value. We are only concerned about the overall development of the state. We have undertaken many development works for the overall growth of Bihar".

"We had announced 10 lakh government jobs to the youth of Bihar. Let me make it very clear that we will soon achieve this target¿ around five lakh government jobs have been provided by the Mahagathbandhan government", said the CM. The Mahagathbandhan government's initiatives are visible, he added.

Kumar debunked reports that he was "dissatisfied" with the INDIA bloc meeting held in Delhi last week and said, "I have been maintaining it since the beginning that I have no desire for myself. My only wish is to unite the maximum number of parties before the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. I am working only in this direction".

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