Allahabad HC directs UP govt to consider regularisation of teachers in mgmt colleges

18 May,2024 06:04 AM IST |  Lucknow  |  PTI

Dozens of teachers had challenged the orders of the committees headed by the regional joint director of education before the court

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The Allahabad High Court has directed the Uttar Pradesh government to consider the regularisation of teachers who were appointed between 1993 and 1996 in different management colleges in the state.

Justice Shree Prakash Singh passed the direction after setting aside the orders passed by Regional Level Committees (RLCs) which had declined to regularise the services of these teachers.

Dozens of teachers had challenged the orders of the committees headed by the regional joint director of education before the court.

After considering the material on record, the bench impugned the orders of the RLCs, stating that "they appear to have been passed in a cursory manner".

The petitioners have been working for more than two decades, the bench observed and added that "the state must act as a welfare state to consider their regularisation in accordance with the law after giving them full opportunity of hearing".

The bench has granted three months to the RLCs to pass fresh orders regarding the regularisation of the teachers keeping in view the relevant provisions.

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