China premier defends its stance before ASEAN leaders

07 September,2023 09:04 AM IST |  Jakarta  |  Agencies

“We have preserved peace and tranquility in East Asia in a world fraught with turbulence and change.”

Li Qiang at the 26th ASEAN-China Summit. Pic/AP

In talks with Southeast Asian leaders on Wednesday in the Indonesian capital, Chinese Premier Li Qiang underscored his country's importance as the world's second-biggest economy and as the top trading partner of the region.

Countering alarm over Beijing's aggression in the South China Sea, Li cited China's long history of friendship with Southeast Asia, including joint efforts to confront COVID and how both sides have settled differences through dialogue.

"As long as we keep to the right path, no matter what storm may come, China-ASEAN cooperation will be as firm as ever and press ahead against all odds," Li said. "We have preserved peace and tranquility in East Asia in a world fraught with turbulence and change."

Japan joins others rejecting China map

Japan has joined India, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Taiwan to protest against China's new map that lists the disputed Senkaku Islands as part of its own.

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