Class 11 student accuses father, brother of sexual assault in Gurugram

21 February,2023 10:32 AM IST |  Gurugram  |  PTI

The alleged incident came to light after the class 11 student confided in her school principal and teachers, who rushed her to the police station.

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A 17-year-old girl was allegedly sexually assaulted by her father and brother, police said.

The alleged incident came to light after the class 11 student confided in her school principal and teachers, who rushed her to the police station.

The student told her school principal and teachers that she was sexually assaulted by her father and brother. They also threatened to kill her if she told anyone about it, the police said on Monday.

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After counselling and questioning the victim for nearly four hours, an FIR was registered under sections of the POCSO Act at Kherki Daula police station, they said.

"We are verifying the facts and action will be taken as per law," a senior officer said.

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