Congress outdated, was always against reservation: PM Modi

08 February,2024 07:30 AM IST |  New Delhi  |  Agencies

“The Congress’ thought has become outdated and it has outsourced its work. We are not happy at such a downfall of the party and we express our sympathies,” he said

Narendra Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday launched a scathing attack on the Congress alleging that the opposition party has become outdated and has always been against any kind of reservation. Replying to the debate on the Motion of Thanks in the Rajya Sabha, Modi said the Congress party has "outsourced" its work and expressed his sympathies over its downfall.

"The Congress' thought has become outdated and it has outsourced its work. We are not happy at such a downfall of the party and we express our sympathies," he said.

Citing a letter written by Jawaharlal Nehru to chief ministers, Modi said it clearly states that the first prime minister was against reservation of any kind, especially in jobs, as it adversely affected the functioning of the government. Modi said President Murmu, in her address in Parliament, talked about solving the problems of the four largest sections of society , the poor, farmers, the youth and women.

"The Congress strangled democracy for power and dismissed democratically elected governments. The Congress has been against Dalits, backwards, tribals and had it not been for Babasaheb Ambedkar, they would not have got any reservation," he said.

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