Congress to hold agitations against govt's economic policies in October

13 September,2019 07:35 AM IST |   |  PTI

The meeting was attended by former prime minister Manmohan Singh, AICC general secretaries and in-charges of various states and Congress Legislative Party leaders

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New Delhi: The Congress on Thursday announced it will hold massive agitations across the country from October 15 to October 25 against the government's policies that have allegedly led to an "economic slowdown". The decision was taken at a meeting chaired by Congress chief Sonia Gandhi at the AICC headquarters here. The meeting was attended by former prime minister Manmohan Singh, AICC general secretaries and in-charges of various states and Congress Legislative Party leaders, among others.

It was decided at the meeting that Pradesh Congress Committee delegate conventions will be held across the country from September 20 to 30 to highlight the "economic slowdown", Congress spokesperson R P N Singh said at a press conference, in which party general secretary K C Venugopal was also present. This will be followed by massive agitations across the country from October 15 to October 25 against the government over its policies that have led to the slowdown, Singh said.

The Congress will also hold 'padayatras' from October 2 to October 9 to mark the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, he said. The party's membership drive will also start in October, Singh said.

People can enrol themselves as members of the Congress party through an app on their mobiles and only basic information will be required. However, for paper-based memberships, it will the responsibility of the DCC and PCC to provide digital information of their members. Leaders have been asked to go to booth-level to enrol new members, Singh said, adding training of Congressmen to make them aware about "false narratives created by the BJP" will be carried out.

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