Delhi jewellery store robbed after drilling hole in wall, cops launch probe

13 May,2024 10:38 PM IST |  New Delhi  |  PTI

A jewellery showroom in north Delhi was allegedly robbed after drilling a hole into the wall of the shop

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A jewellery showroom in the Dariba Kalan area of north Delhi was allegedly robbed by a few people after drilling a hole into the wall of the shop, police said on Monday.

The police said they received a video of the incident and investigation has been launched into the matter.

The accused allegedly drilled a hole in the showroom from a neighbouring shop and carried out the robbery, they said.

"A PCR call regarding a burglary was received at the Kotwali police station. A team was immediately sent to the shop in Dariba Kalan," a senior police officer said.

According to the store owner, he closed his shop around 8.30 pm on Saturday and went to his home, the officer said.

When the complainant and his father opened the store on Monday, they found that a hole was made in its wall through an adjacent shop, which is in dilapidated condition and was empty, he said.

On checking the items of his shop, the owner found that various silver items were stolen, he added.

"The crime scene was examined by the forensic team and a case was registered against unknown people. We are checking the CCTV footage for clue and further investigation is on," said the officer.

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