ECI slams Kharge: Accuses Cong prez of poll interference

11 May,2024 08:26 AM IST |  New Delhi  |  Agencies

The commission further said that such utterances can have a negative impact on voters’ participation and demoralise the large election machinery across states.

Mallikarjun Kharge

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In an unprecedented action, the Election Commission on Friday castigated Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge for obstructing the ongoing Lok Sabha election.

The commission said the Congress President had made caseless allegations regarding the release of voter turnout data in the middle of ongoing polls which are designed to create confusion, misdirection and impediments in the conduct of free and fair polls.

The commission further said that such utterances can have a negative impact on voters' participation and demoralise the large election machinery across states.

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national news new delhi Mallikarjun Kharge congress Election Commission Lok Sabha Lok Sabha Elections 2024
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