Gurugram: Man kills girlfriend over 'blackmail', surrenders to police

27 May,2024 08:16 AM IST |  Gurugram  |  IANS

All the facts are being investigated. A case of murder has been registered against the man and he has been arrested, the SHO, Sadar Police Station, said

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A man allegedly stabbed his girlfriend to death in Gurugram late on Saturday and then, surrendered to the police, police said on Sunday.

Both the accused and the deceased hailed from Maharashtra's Akola district.

According to the police, they received information about the murder of a 22-year-old woman in a PG located in Tikri village, under the Sadar police station area, on Saturday night, and a police team, along with forensic science and fingerprint teams reached the spot.

"At the spot, the woman's body was found lying in a pool of blood. Stabbing marks were found on her head and neck. The post-mortem examination was also conducted," a senior police officer said.

The man came to the Sadar police station and told the policemen on duty that he had killed his girlfriend.

Police suspect that the matter relates to a love affair.

The woman had reportedly come to the city two to three days ago to meet the man.

The accused told the police that she had filed a rape case against him in Maharashtra and was blackmailing him. She came to Gurugram in this connection, a quarrel broke out between them, and he killed her in a fit of rage, he said.

"All the facts are being investigated. A case of murder has been registered against the man and he has been arrested," the SHO, Sadar Police Station, said.

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