'Karachi will be part of India one day': Fadnavis amid shop row

23 November,2020 11:16 AM IST |  Nagpur  |  ANI

shiv Sena had distanced itself from party leader Nitin Nandgaokars comments who was seen in a video - widely shared on social media- at the Mumbai shop telling the owner to change the name of Karachi Sweets to something in Marathi

Devendra Fadnavis

Days after a Shiv Sena leader was caught on camera asking the owner of Karachi Sweets in Mumbai to change the shop's name, triggering massive controversy, former Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has said: "Karachi will one day be a part of India".

The Shiv Sena had distanced itself from party leader Nitin Nandgaokar's comments who was seen in a video - widely shared on social media- at the Mumbai shop telling the owner to change the name of Karachi Sweets "to something in Marathi". Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut said Nandgaokar's comment is not the party's official stance.

On Saturday, Fadnavis, 50, when asked about the controversy by a reporter, said: "We are the people who believe in an 'Akhand Bharat'... Karachi will one day be a part of India."

Latching on to the senior BJP leader's remarks, Maharashtra minister Nawab Malik told news agency ANI on Sunday: "The way Devendra ji has said that time will come Karachi will be the part of India. We have been saying that India, Pakistan and Bangladesh should be merged. If the Berlin wall can be demolished then why not India, Pakistan and Bangladesh can come together? If BJP wishes to merge these three countries and make a single country, we will welcome it definitely."

In a nearly one-minute long clip, Nandgaokar is heard telling the owner of Karachi Sweets in the clip: "I hate the name Karachi. The city in Pakistan is a hub of terrorists. You can name your ancestors in the banner... I pay my respects to them. You came from Pakistan but this is your home. You'll have to do it (change the name). We will help you with the business. I will give you time... change the name to something in Marathi."

"Karachi bakery and Karachi sweets have been in Mumbai since last 60 years. They have nothing to do with Pakistan. It makes no sense to ask for changing their names now. Demand for changing their name is not Shiv Sena's official stance," Raut tweeted amid sharp reactions on social media.

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