Maharashtra: Three SDRF personnel engaged in search ops drown in river

23 May,2024 07:42 PM IST |  Pune  |  mid-day online correspondent

The incident took place near Sugav village in Akole tehsil at around 7.45 am during the search

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At least three State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) engaged in a search operation reportedly drowned after their boat capsized in a river in Maharashtra's Ahmednagar district on Thursday morning, reported the PTI.

The three SDRF officials-- a sub-inspector and two constables were engaged in a search operation following a drowning incident, an official said, as the PTI.

The incident took place near Sugav village in Akole tehsil at around 7.45 am during the search for a youth who along with another person drowned in the Pravara river on Wednesday, he said.

The search team comprised four SDRF personnel and a civilian.

"Yesterday, two youth drowned in the river. While the body of one of them was fished out yesterday, search for the other person was on. A team of SDRF was summoned to carry out the search operation," Ahmednagar Superintendent of Police Rakesh Ola said, according to the PTI.

"During the search operation, the boat which was carrying five persons, including the four SDRF personnel, capsized at around 7.45 am," he said.

While one SDRF jawan was rescued, the others could not be saved, he said.

The bodies of a sub-inspector and two constables of the SDRF have been fished out, the official said.

A civilian who was with them on the boat is still missing. Search was on for him and the other youth who drowned on Wednesday, he said, as per the PTI.

Four teenagers among five drown in Nashik dam

Meanwhile, in an another incident, four teenagers were among five persons who drowned in a dam in Igatpuri taluka of Maharashtra's Nashik district on Tuesday during their picnic, the police said, reported the PTI.

The incident occurred at Bhavali dam in the afternoon, they said.

"Five youths from the Gosavi Wadi area of Nashik Road suburb in the city had gone for a picnic to Bhavali dam around 4 pm. Two of them entered the water, but as they could not judge its depth, they started drowning. Three others also jumped in and tried to save them, but drowned in their attempt to do so," a police official said, as per the PTI.

On being informed about the incident, a police team reached the spot and launched an operation to rescue them, he said.

With the help of some local residents, the bodies of the five victims were later fished out and sent to Igatpuri rural hospital, he said.

(with PTI inputs)

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