Mamata Banerjee criticises BJP's proposal of 'one nation, one election'

15 August,2018 10:23 AM IST |  Kolkata  |  PTI

Agreeing that this could help keep a check on rising cost of conducting elections, Banerjee said the proposal was not practical

Mamata Banerjee

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee yesterday criticised the BJP's proposal of "one nation, one election", and said holding simultaneous election to Lok Sabha and state assemblies was not practical in a vast country like India. Agreeing that this could help keep a check on rising cost of conducting elections, Banerjee said the proposal was not practical.

"I agree too (on the expenses to hold polls). It (one nation, one election) may be applicable for local elections. But if you go for that and if tomorrow the central government falls then will the states and the central government go for another election. Please be practical," she said.

"This is a federal setup and India is a vast country, several religions, different types of situation. They never discuss this with political parties, they never discuss this point in Parliament," she added, pointing to the Centre's sudden decision to implement GST and introduce demonetisation.

BJP president Amit Shah has supported the idea of holding Lok Sabha and Assembly polls simultaneously, saying this will curb expenditure and also ensure that the nation is not in the "election mode" throughout the year.

Referring to the changing of names of railway stations such as Mughalsarai Junction to Deen Dayal Upadhyay Junction railway station, Banerjee said that the BJP was thinking themselves like a "super God" in order to change the history also.

"I cannot research about their brains and their thinking. It is not my job. They are behaving like a super God. They have crossed all the political lines, geographic boundaries, all economic and historic boundaries, they have changed the names of like Mughalsarai...They are changing history also," she said.

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