Man robbed of Rs 2.8 lakh by bike-borne men in Delhi, case registered

08 November,2023 09:25 AM IST |  New Delhi  |  ANI

The victim, identified as Hari Prasad (36), lodged a complaint claiming that he was robbed of Rs 2.8 lakh near Bonta Park in Kamla Nehru Ridge

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A man alleged to have been robbed by unidentified bike-borne men in New Delhi, police said on Wednesday, adding that a case was registered in the matter. The victim, identified as Hari Prasad (36), lodged a complaint claiming that he was robbed of Rs 2.8 lakh near Bonta Park in Kamla Nehru Ridge.

The complainant, a resident of Anand Parbat who works for Deepak Gupta, the owner of a toy manufacturing unit in Azadpur, informed police that he was on his way back after collecting a payment on behalf of his employer.

The alleged robbery took place on Tuesday around 7.45 pm, police said, adding that the incident was reported to the Civil Lines police station.

"He had gone to Cycle Market to collect a payment on behalf of his employer. He said he collected a total of about Rs 2.8 lakh from 8 different shops before proceeding to Deepak Gupta's residence located in Kalyan Vihar, near Model Town, around 7.45 pm," an officer said.

"The complainant said as he reached Ridge Road, Bonta Park, he was accosted by three men on a bike. They waylaid him and took away a bag containing the money. The bag was placed under the seat of the complainant's scooter," the officer added.

The police registered a case under different sections of the Indian Penal Code.

"Further investigation is underway," the official said.

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