MP: 10-year-old girl ends life after mother refuses to take her for outing

24 May,2024 08:01 AM IST |  Jabalpur  |  PTI

When the mother refused, the girl went upstairs and hanged herself with the door curtain, said Danvantri Nagar police station`s inspector Vinod Pathak

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A 10-year-old girl allegedly committed suicide in Madhya Pradesh on Thursday after her mother refused to take her to Bhedaghat, a famous tourist spot in the district, police said.

The girl, a Class V student, had been pestering her mother to take her to Bhedaghat, 10 km away, said a police official.

When the mother refused, the girl went upstairs and hanged herself with the door curtain, said Danvantri Nagar police station's inspector Vinod Pathak.

"Autopsy is being conducted. Further probe is on," he added.

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