Cong in power when 26/11 took place, questions our surgical strikes

26 November,2018 01:41 PM IST |  Rajasthan  |  PTI

Hitting out at the Congress, the prime minister said the party doubted his government's surgical strikes, conducted in September 2016

Narendra Modi

The Congress was in power when the Mumbai attacks took place but questioned the BJP government's surgical strikes in Pakistan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said here on Monday. The prime minister was addressing an election rally here on the tenth anniversary of the 26/11 terror strike when 10 Pakistani terrorists sneaked into Mumbai, killing 166 people over 60 hours.

Hitting out at the Congress, the prime minister said the party doubted his government's surgical strikes, conducted in September 2016. But will commandos carry cameras to provide proof, he asked. Modi said his government had responded to terrorists and Naxals in their own language.

The prime minister added that the Congress calls Naxals revolutionaries and then issues the certificates.
The Rajasthan elections will be held on December 7 and the votes counted on December 11.

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