One held for Delhi Congress leader's death in accident, offending vehicle seized

09 May,2024 08:44 AM IST |  New Delhi  |  IANS

The arrested person has been identified as Chirag Chaudhary, the police said, adding that the offending vehicle, a Maruti Grand Vitara, has also been seized

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Delhi Police have arrested a 24-year-old man a day after a local Congress out for a morning walk died after being hit by a car in the Rohini area of the national capital.

The arrested person has been identified as Chirag Chaudhary, the police said, adding that the offending vehicle, a Maruti Grand Vitara, has also been seized.

Hari Kishan Jindal (62), a former district unit head of the Congress, was hit by the speeding car on Tuesday morning. He was declared dead at the hospital. The accused was traced after scanning footage from around 250 CCTV cameras.

A former councillor, Jindal also unsuccessfully contested the Assembly elections from Wazirabad.

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