Protest march against bulk drug park project in Raigad: Police register FIR

03 November,2022 07:09 PM IST |  Raigad  |  PTI

The protest march, attended by several hundred farmers, was held without permission from relevant authorities and also violated an order of the collector banning the assembly of more than five persons at a time, an official said

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A police case has been registered in connection with a protest march held in Raigad district in Maharashtra against the land acquisition process for the proposed 'bulk drug park' project, an official said on Thursday.

The protest march, attended by several hundred farmers, was held without permission from relevant authorities and also violated an order of the collector banning the assembly of more than five persons at a time, the official said.

Also Read: Maharashtra: Farmers take out rally against bulk drug park project in Raigad

"It caused traffic disruption in Alibag town. A case has been registered against the mob for unlawful assembly, and other offences. The BDP is set to come up in Roha and Murud talukas," he said.

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