12-hour trade bandh in Odisha as tribute to martyred CRPF jawans

18 February,2019 03:05 PM IST |   |  PTI

Normal life remained largely unaffected as vehicles plied as usual in the state during the trade bandh, backed by Odisha Byabasayee Mahasangh in solidarity with the nation and families of 40 martyred soldiers.

Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik lays wreaths on the coffins of slain CRPF Jawans. Photo/PTI

Business activities came to a halt across Odisha on Monday following a nationwide trade bandh
called by the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) as a tribute to the CRPF jawans martyred in Pulwama terror attack.

Shops, business establishments and commercial markets remained shut throughout the state as different traders bodies extended support to the 12-hour trade bandh. Normal life remained largely unaffected as vehicles plied as usual in the state during the trade bandh, backed by Odisha Byabasayee Mahasangh in solidarity with the nation and families of 40 martyred soldiers.

While medicine shops and petrol outlets were kept out of the purview of the trade bandh, some of them voluntarily shut operations for some time as a mark of solidarity, a functionary of the mahasangh said. Traders and business outfits spontaneously supported the call all over the state including places like Cuttack, Bhubaneswar, Sambalpur, Rourkela, Berhampur, Sundargarh,
Balasore, Bhadrak, Jagatsinghpur, Kendrapara, Khurda, Angul and Jajpur, he said.

Cuttack Chamber of Commerce said steps will be taken for extending some financial assistance to the families of the two martyred Odia CRPF jawans - Manoj Kumar Behera and Prasanna Kumar Sahu. All traders were requested to close their establishments as a mark of tribute to the martyrs, while vehicular traffic was not affected, said the president of Sambalpur Chamber of Commerce, Arun Patwari.

Arun Mukherjee, general secretary of Koshal Byabasayee Sangha, said the support came spontaneously from the entire trading and business community.

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