Raging fire breaks out in Rajkot gaming zone, 24 charred to death

26 May,2024 07:15 AM IST |  New Delhi  |  Agencies

Police teams and fire tenders were rushed to the spot to douse the fire. Sources said the owner of the gaming zone has been arrested

Injured being shifted to a hospital after a fire broke out in a gaming zone, in Gujarat’s Rajkot on Saturday. Pic/PTI

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At least 24 persons were reportedly killed in a massive fire at a gaming zone in Gujarat's Rajkot on Saturday. The fire broke out inside the gaming zone in a shopping mall when it was teeming with children.

Police teams and fire tenders were rushed to the spot to douse the fire. Sources said the owner of the gaming zone has been arrested. The shopping mall was inundated with crowds because of the weekend. The intensity of the fire was so fierce that smoke was seen billowing from the shopping mall from a long distance.

A couple of people are believed to be trapped inside the gaming zone where a rescue operation were on in full swing. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday expressed grief at the loss of lives in a fire tragedy in Gujarat's Rajkot and said the local administration is working to provide all possible assistance to those affected.

Modi said on X, "Extremely distressed by the fire mishap in Rajkot. My thoughts are with all those who have lost their loved ones. Prayers for the injured. The local administration is working to provide all possible assistance to those affected." Meanwhile, Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel has instructed the officials to prioritise the rescue operation and ensure immediate treatment for the injured.

"Instructions have been given to the municipal corporation and the administration for immediate rescue and relief operations in the fire incident in the game zone in Rajkot. Instructions have also been issued to prioritise arrangements for immediate treatment of the injured," the CM said.

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