Sunstroke tragedy: NCP's Ajit Pawar demands registration of 'culpable homicide' case against Maharashtra govt

18 April,2023 03:03 PM IST |  Pune  |  PTI

In a letter addressed to Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Pawar said the tragedy was not natural but it was a man-made disaster for which the government is responsible

Ajit Pawar. File Pic

Maharashtra opposition leader Ajit Pawar on Tuesday demanded the registration of a culpable homicide case against the Maharashtra government over the deaths due to sunstroke at the state award event held in Navi Mumbai on Sunday.

In a letter addressed to Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Pawar said the tragedy was not natural but it was a "man-made disaster" for which the government is responsible.

At least 13 people died and several others were hospitalized due to sunstroke and other health complications after several lakh people, mostly followers of Maharashtra Bhushan awardee Appasaheb Dharmadhikari, attended the event under the scorching summer sun in the sprawling International Corporate Park in Kharghar area on Sunday.

"Lakhs of citizens attended the 'Maharashtra Bhushan' award distribution ceremony at Kharghar. At this time, many people suffered from heatstroke, in which 13 innocent followers lost their lives. This unfortunate incident is not a natural disaster but it is a man-made disaster. The government is fully responsible for this unfortunate incident, " Pawar tweeted and posted a copy of his letter addressed to the chief minister.

Pawar demanded that a case of culpable homicide be registered against the government for this incident and an inquiry be conducted by a retired judge into various aspects.

Also Read: I will always remain with NCP: Ajit Pawar

He also demanded the government grant ex-gratia of Rs 20 lakh to the kin of the deceased instead of Rs 5 lakh.

"I also demand that those affected by the sunstroke be given free medical treatment and provided an aid of Rs 5 lakh," Pawar added.

Under fire from the Opposition over the timing of the award event which concluded at noon, Maharashtra minister Sudhir Mungantiwar had on Monday said the timing was suggested by Dharmadhikari.

Appasaheb Dharmadhikari had given us the timing and the event was planned accordingly. Politics should not be brought into everything," he said.

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