Two arrested for killing 24-year-old man in Ghaziabad

22 May,2024 08:32 AM IST |  Ghaziabad (UP)  |  PTI

The victim`s two `friends` - Taj Mohammad (20) and Puneet Gosain (20) - were arrested from near the drain in Tibrha, DCP Rural Vivek Chand Yadav said

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Police on Tuesday arrested two youths for killing a 24-year-old man and dumping his body in a drain in Tibrha village.

The deceased has been identified as Deen Mohammad (24), a resident of Meerut. An FIR was lodged by Mohammad's father on May 16 at Modinagar police station after the body was found on May 15.

The victim's two 'friends' - Taj Mohammad (20) and Puneet Gosain (20) - were arrested from near the drain in Tibrha, DCP Rural Vivek Chand Yadav said.

During interrogation, the accused told the police that they have two more friends -- Nikit Gujjar (21) and Tushar (21).

A few days ago, Deen Mohammad and Nikit had a quarrel following which Mohammad, in a fit of anger, damaged Nikit's car. To take revenge for the loss, the four planned "to teach him a lesson" and Mohammad was abducted in a car and beaten to death, the police alleged.

His body was dumped at the drain in Tibrha village. Taj Mohammad and Puneet Gosain have been sent to jail, while their two accomplices Nikit Gujjar and Tushar are still absconding, the DCP said.

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