Uttar Pradesh: Two women arrested for strangling two kids in Muzaffarnagar

22 May,2024 08:35 AM IST |  Muzaffarnagar (UP)  |  PTI

Later, Keshav was also found dead on May 17 following which, police registered a murder case and started investigating, Superintendent of Police (city) Satyanarayan Prajapat said

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Police arrested two women for strangling two children with the help of a 'tantrik' in a village here, police said on Tuesday.

Keshav (7) and his brother Lucky (5) were found dead in the village a month apart. A woman related to the children, her mother and the 'tantrik' are alleged to have carried out the murder, they said.

According to police, the kids were strangled to death in a house at Kelawda village under Khatoli police station in Muzaffarnagar. The body of Lucky was found in the house on April 17. However, his parents believed that it was a natural death, police said.

Later, Keshav was also found dead on May 17 following which, police registered a murder case and started investigating, Superintendent of Police (city) Satyanarayan Prajapat said.

During the investigation, Ankita and her mother Reena were found involved in the two murders and were arrested, he said. Police are still searching for the 'tantrik' Ramgopal who is absconding.

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