Man cries racism over being charged for ketchup!

30 August,2013 12:41 PM IST |   |  ANI

A Scottish man has taken the odd rivalry between Glasgow and Edinburgh to a whole new level, by claiming that he was a victim of a racist attack in Edinburgh over ketchup

The man in question, Tony Winters, believes that the rival country's fish and chip shops are racially prejudiced as they charged him 25p (50c) for a sachet of ketchup, reported.

The publication's report claimed that people in Edinburgh like to put a brown tangy sauce in their suppers, while everyone else in Scotland put salt and vinegar on their fish and chips.

And, since Edinburgh chip shops offer brown sauce for free, Winters thought he was the victim of racial discrimination.

Winters added that you can't offer one customer brown sauce for nothing and then charge another for tomato sauce. u00a0

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