Meet the Chinese man who 'cured' backache by walking in 200 kg shoes!

13 December,2013 07:21 AM IST |   |  ANI

A Chinese man has claimed that walking in huge iron shoes weighing an outrageous 200 kilograms each has cured his back pain and haemorrhoids

Zhang Fuxing said that he has been walking with iron shoes for seven years and after the weight reached 400 kilograms, he felt very proud and now plans to add 50 kilograms to them,

The 52-year-old factory worker has credited his ability to move the shoes to the Chinese spiritual martial art Qigong, which involves controlling the flow of supposed bodily energies.

It takes Fuxing over a minute to take 10 paces, but he claims that he can walk up to 15 metres each day in the shoes.u00a0

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