Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani

03 February,2010 08:48 AM IST |   |  Kumar Saurav

If shooting stars really make wishes come true, the next time I see one, I would wish that India and Pakistan never 'fall in love' because the subsequent increased immaturity levels will be too much to handle.

If shooting stars really make wishes come true, the next time I see one, I would wish that India and Pakistan never 'fall in love' because the subsequent increased immaturity levels will be too much to handle. I'm no political expert but I do believe what I see. The belief is rather a by-product of my personal observations, which has made me accept the fact that u2014 love doesn't help you grow, rather it burdens you with illogical expectations, ego, anger and the dark desire to hurt.' I'll give instances to support it.

My friend Rahulya (name changed as expected) is a SRK prototype, who once thought that just like you die once, you fall in love only once. During his university days, he fell for a beautiful Jain girl, a perfect long-term dateable material.

Love doesn't help you grow but burdens you with expectations, ego, anger and a dark desire to hurt

After a few months of cuddling and mushy talks, they got engaged. However, the girl's 'yes' was accompanied with demands that were practically impossible to fulfill. She said, "Look Rahulya, I would love to marry you but there's one problem. More than me, you love butter chicken. I hate to kiss you after meals because your mouth smells. If you love me, quit non-veg and also ask your family to do so. We will only visit relatives who're vegetarians. If you can't do that, we will have to arrange for two separate kitchens, refrigerator, and cutlery. I hope you understand."

A shaken, stirred and confused Rahulya replied, "I'll quit eating non-veg but how can I ask anyone else to do it? The idea of separate kitchens doesn't work economically. You might want a separate house few years from now because my parents won't stop eating non-veg." This silly insistence ended their relationship that too after engagement. Illogical expectations, didn't I tell you?u00a0

Another friend of mine has turned Devdas these days. In December, he flew down to Delhi because his girlfriend wanted to elope with him the same day. But for the next two days, she didn't even call him. On the third day, when they met, she asked him to book tickets for the next day. But she didn't turn up again and messaged him, "I'm getting married to someone else tomorrow because I don't think you pursued the relationship in a correct manner. I did this to hurt you and teach you that you can't take a relationship for granted."

If love makes you responsible and emotional, from where do all these negative emotions come up? And if love isn't supposed to hurt, why do people ditch each another or feel burdened, stuck and trapped in relationships?

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Love Expectations Pakistan Opinion Kumar Saurav