State of affairs of the state

11 February,2009 08:35 AM IST |   |  Neeta Iyer

Publicity seekers and troublemakers have a field day in Maharashtra. Important projects are held up on flimsy grounds.

Publicity seekers and troublemakers have a field day in Maharashtra. Important projects are held up on flimsy grounds.

The public at large is instigated to break law and even assault government employees if they come for land measurement. Adding to the woes is the dismal infrastructure and the perpetual lack of power.

In stark contrast, there is a complete turn around in Gujarat. Is the Marathi pride restricted to demanding jobs and reservations for the sons of the soil?

Why can't they be inspired to compete and excel in today's free economy? If Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi can generate investments of billions of rupees, what holds Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan from doing even better?

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Publicity seekers Maharashtra flimsy grounds government employees Marathi Narendra Modi Ashok Chavan