3D gun advocate accused of sex with minor is jailed in US

24 September,2018 07:09 AM IST |  Houston  |  AP

The US Marshals Service says 30-year-old Cody Wilson was booked into Harris County Jail in Houston early Sunday

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Authorities say the owner of a Texas company that sells plans to make untraceable 3-D printed guns is back in the US after being arrested in Taiwan. The US Marshals Service says 30-year-old Cody Wilson was booked into Harris County Jail in Houston early Sunday.

He is being held on USD 150,000 bond and it isn't clear if he has an attorney yet. Wilson is accused of having sex with an underage girl and paying her USD 500 afterward. He was arrested Friday in Taiwan.

Police say he flew there after a friend of the 16-year-old girl told him that the police were investigating the accusation that he had sex with the girl. Wilson owns Austin-based Defense Distributed, which was selling designs to make 3D-printable guns.

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