Chicago hospital shooting kills 4

21 November,2018 07:55 AM IST |  Chicago  |  Agencies

Emergency room physician, Tamera O'Neal was confronted in the hospital parking lot by the gunman, with whom she had been in a domestic relationship

Crime scene tape secures an area around Mercy Hospital. Pic/AFP

Mercy Hospital has identified two members of its staff killed in a shooting that left four dead, also including the gunman and a police officer.

Emergency room physician, Tamera O'Neal was confronted in the hospital parking lot by the gunman, with whom she had been in a domestic relationship.

Witnesses say the man shot her and she fell to the ground. The gunman then stood over her and shot her again. Hospital officials say pharmaceutical assistant Dayna Less.

The woman was shot as she stepped from an elevator. Also killed was Chicago Police Officer Samuel Jimenez, the father of three children.

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