China imposes tariff on 128 items of US imports

02 April,2018 06:16 AM IST |  Beijing  |  IANS

The statement said it was a countermeasure in response to a previous US move to slap tariffs on steel and aluminum imports

China suspended tariff concessions on 128 items of US products including pork and fruits starting on Monday, according to the Ministry of Finance. The Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council has decided to impose a tariff of 15 per cent on 120 items of products imported from the US including fruits and related products, and a tariff of 25 per cent on eight items of imports including pork and related products from the country, according to a statement posted on the ministry website, Xinhua reported.

The statement said it was a countermeasure in response to a previous US move to slap tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. Despite worldwide objections, the US administration decided to impose a 25-per cent tariff on steel imports and a 10-percent tariff on aluminum, with tariffs on imports from countries including China.

Although in violation of WTO rules, the US measure went into effect in March 23, which has severely undermined China's interests, according to the statement. China advocates and supports a multilateral trade system, the ministry said, noting that to suspend tariff concession on US imports is a just move to safeguard China's interests using WTO rules.

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