Coca-Cola breaks tradition with first alcoholic drink

08 March,2018 12:12 PM IST |  Tokyo  |  Agencies

With its iconic red label and secret recipe, it's been one of the world's most famous soft drinks for more than a century

The product is typically between 3-8% alcohol by volume. Pic/AFP

With its iconic red label and secret recipe, it's been one of the world's most famous soft drinks for more than a century. Now, however, Coca-Cola is on the brink of a new chapter - with plans to launch its first alcoholic drink.

The company is currently experimenting with the creation of a popular type of Japanese alcopop known as Chu-Hi, containing distilled shochu alcohol mixed with flavoured carbonate water. The low alcohol canned drink will be launched in Japan, home to a thriving if competitive industry, with countless Chu-Hi flavoured drinks sitting on convenience store shelves across the country.

Confirming the plan in an interview, Jorge Garduno, Coca-Cola's Japan president, said the company would probably sell its alcoholic drinks only in Japan, because of the "unique and special qualities" of the domestic market.

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